Perhaps you’ve had this experience. Walking through a striking commercial building where no detail was left untouched. But one glaring mismatch catches your eye. Well, here’s a great example of that. Can you spot it? Look carefully and you’ll see that the doors and wall panels in mahogany convey a rich and inviting palate to appreciate, only to be interrupted by a PAINTED metal frame. Argh!
Too often, architects revert to old specs which call for metal frames in rated and non-rated openings. While no options existed a couple decades ago, today with Grandoor Frames there is zero reason NOT to pair wood frames with wood doors. Fire ratings ranging from 20 minute to 90 minute | concealed overhead closers | concealed hinges | rabbeted “hidden” door concepts | and oversized openings | All are now achievable using wood frames. Imagine how much nicer this photo would be with matching wood frames. Mismatch no more!!
Now if finding matching socks was this easy…
“Don’t settle for metal, when wood would wow.” Contact us at 210.322.5900